
Being a Christian is a journey, not an event.  The journey could start with a baptism, or it could start with curiousity about the Bible and the context in which it was written. The journey may have ebbs and flows, but it never ends.  Bradbury has several opportunities to learn about what it means to be a Christian and help you grow in faith on your own personal journey.

  •  Sunday Classes - Sunday school is held for adults, children, and youth at 10 a.m. on the lower level of the church.   
  • Wednesdays of Wonder- Small study groups start every fall and last through the spring.  Dinner is served in the Fellowship Hall at 5 p.m. and small groups start at 6 p.m.  Classes are held through mid-August through mid-May (starting and conclusion dates will be posted on the home page).
  • Vacation Bible School - This is held every summer for all age groups.  
  • Walk to Emmaus/Chrysalis/Journey - This is a 3-day experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation.  Bradbury participates in all three communities.  Learn more about upcoming walks at

 Here are the current Sunday classes in progress:

  • Adult Bible Study, targeted to senior adults.  The current program is Uniform Series:   International Bible Lessons, being held in the Worship Center.  For more information, contact Mike Rotters.
  • Foundation, targeted to mature adults.  The current program is Cokesbury:  Adult Bible Study, being held in the Fellowship Hall.  
  • Working Adult Video (WAV), targeted to working adults.  It involves various video series of biblical teachings and some Christian movies with discussion, being held in Room 108 (downstairs).  Contact Debbie (Dale) Hensley for more information.
  • College & Career, targeted to young adults and college-age.  It involves different studies based on group input, being held in the Green Room (downstairs, first left in the hallway). 
  • Youth, targeted to students in grades 6 - 12.  Currently studying Bible teachings with videos incorporated, located in the classroom next to the Nursery (upstairs).  Contact Dale Hensley for more information.
  • Children, targeted to children in kindergarten through grade 5 located in the Kid's Room (downstairs, first room on the right in the hallway). Contact Sandra Hensley for more information.